Interview with Minister of Defence Leedog333333

Jakob Volk
2 min readApr 23, 2021


Earlier today I had an interview with Minister of Defence Leedog333333. Due to the April 2021 Federal Election he usurped the new role of Minister of Defence. I asked him some questions about his opinion on his new role and future endeavors as a Cabinet Member.

Question 1

How do you feel about the results of the April 2021 Federal Election?

Minister of Defence Leedog said
“I mean, I believe all parties did well considering votes were as tight as ever. A coalition was struck which in my eyes saved Australia from sticking to the shameful era under the Nationals Party.”

Question 2

What is your opinion on the formed collation between the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats?

Minister of Defence Leedog mention
“I believe that this was a very good move in order for Australia to be saved, both leaders of each party have very similar policies and intentions in regards to Australia so this is and will be a very stable Coalition to repair Australia.”

Question 3

As the new Minister of Defence, what are your future plans?

Minister of Defence Leedog said the following
“So far, I have established ties back with the ADF which will benefit the Government in possible future conflict, I have created a discord for the Department of Defence to keep track of Military treaties, to keep and ADF — Government relations strong and much more. I plan to introduce a Bill to get Military Courts operational and I also plan to set up a system to benefit the ADF Veterans. I have many more plans for the future but so far these are my concerns as of now.”

Question 4

Finally, how do you feel about the upcoming 2021 Senate election?

Minister Of Defence Leedog told us
“I feel that this will help secure a safer and more secure Senate as currently it is only there to block laws that Government has passed through the house so the sooner the Senate elections are, the better.”

So after interviewing newly promoted Minister of Defence, he has showed us that he is prepared at the job at hand and is willing to make the changes best for are country.

